IT Consultant

During the last years, I was able to participate in projects at large corporations of various industries. I worked with different systems and processes in a technical way, but also interpersonally by providing trainings and committing to agile teams. Now, I know many technologies and architectures by experience and also by academic standard. This allows me to compare and evaluate these and consult customers with respect to their individual requirements.

Software Engineer

Since the beginning of my efforts in software engineering in 2006, more than ten years have passed. Until now I have been constantly working in the business and I always kept up with trending technologies. By that, I have quick access to new fields and I am safe in handling programming languages and development environments. I always aim for high quality, velocity and professionality.

Computer Scientist

In my studies at RWTH Aachen University I learned the methods of scientific working. By completing a master's degree I received an overview of the fields of computer science. Besides, I am interested in interdisciplinaries like cognitive science, sports science and nutritional science.